Adulting (v): To do grown-up things and hold responsibilities such as, a 9-5 job, a mortgage/rent, a car payment, or anything else that makes one think of grown-ups.
Just a week ago, I was sitting on a well-used porch that overlooked the ocean with one of my closest friends. Sophia and I spent that weekend in Sitka and were staying at her aunt and uncle’s house while they were out of town, and I was there to unwind, play music, and meet up with old friends. After having a whirlwind of a day taking a cello lesson with a past mentor who helps run the Sitka Cello Seminar and catching up with a friend from DePaul who was also there for the seminar, I took time to read a good book and soak in some sun. And as I looked out at the water and barnacle-loved rocks, I thought about what a crazy year it has been and how different I feel. I feel like a well-planted tree. More secure, more strong, ready for the next season of growth.
A year ago today, I packed up my things and traveled all day from Detroit, my former home, to Juneau. I wrote my first blog post as my stomach fluttered with nerves and excitement. And a year later, I have the same feeling! -because in three days, I start my next Alaskan adventure. I still can't believe it!
It has been really nice for things to slow down and be at a breathable pace lately. I have been able to get a little more sleep, a little more sun, and a lot more social time. I was able to help my parents find a new house in Cleveland, and they have already moved so that my dad had a permanent home as he started his new job at CIM (I am VERY proud and excited for my dad, and I was also grateful to experience my own job transition alongside him!). I have also become a car owner and have greatly enjoyed having the freedom to drive whenever, and wherever, I want!! Harriet the Chariot and I greatly enjoy our random joyrides around Juneau at night when I need to think or want to have my own personal karaoke session!
Besides that, I taught my final JAMM Summer cello class and my concluding private lessons last week. I attended my last church service yesterday (which happened to be a gospel choir day with a powerfully strong guest speaker- what a way to go out!). The goodbyes are always the hardest part, of course. But with the sadness, I experience great gratitude for the relationships I have developed this year and know these connections will be there any time I return to Juneau.
My current daily struggles involve keeping it together when I hug people for the last time, planning an epic birthday surprise for Sophia (her birthday is on Wednesday- even if she reads this, she still doesn’t know what’s happening! Muah ha ha!!), and packing up my life once again and trying to fit it into my car...I’m still working on that one! ;)
Sophia and I have an awesome road trip ahead of us- we leave on the 8am from Juneau to Haines on Thursday morning, will spend the day at the Haines Fair, camp in Haines that night at our reserved campground plot, and drive through Canada the following day. We will camp along the way in Haines and Beaver Creek (Yukon Territory, right on the border of Alaska!) and plan to arrive in Anchorage on Saturday! It’s only about a 12-hour drive, but we have heard beautiful things about the Alcan Highway (look it up!) and the Yukon, so we are super excited to cook our hot dogs and s’mores, listen to our playlists, and talk for hours as our last hoorah.
The finality of it all is not hitting me; I think there are still so many things to do that I can’t process it. Thank goodness for the long drive up ahead! I’m not sure if I will continue posting in the fall (I start with in-service with all other itinerant teachers on August 15th), but I definitely plan on journaling every day throughout my first year of teaching. I even found my journal from senior year of college last night and read through bits of it- it is truly amazing to see the prayers God has answered through this journey. I am extremely thankful for all the places to which He has led me and for all the angels along the way who have been there for me...and that includes all of you! Stay posted on Facebook for road trip pictures! I love you all!
Alaskan adventure: year TWO!